To Enroll
Congratulations! We are delighted that you have found an early childcare educator and will be joining the Infant Toddler Family Day Care family soon! Please click HERE to start your enrollment process.
To Make Changes to Your Address/Email/Telephone Numbers
To Make Changes to Your Schedule (including Transfer, Substitution)
- Family Change Schedule Form
- For Substitution Care: Parents, Please download, complete and bring this form to the Substituting Provider – Emergency/Medical Authorization & Parent/Guardian Authorization Form
Please note that there are no refunds of child care fees due to leave of absence.
To Terminate Care
To Update Your Child’s Immunization Records (Please note that we are required by law to update immunization records when the child turns 6, 12, 18, 24, and 48 months.)
Please click and download the above forms. You will need Adobe Reader 9.0 to read and/or complete the forms electronically. To download Adobe Reader 9.0, please click here. Please complete the form and save a copy before submitting to the office.
Please submit all change forms in one of the following ways:
By Email:
By Fax: 703-352-7730
By Mail: Infant Toddler Family Day Care, 11166 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 206, Fairfax, VA 22030
Once received, our office will send you a written confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation within 5 business days, please contact the ITFDC office.