Infant Toddler Family Day Care (ITFDC) has committed itself to raising the standards of professionalism for the early child care and education workforce. Well-educated , knowledgeable, and nurturing teachers are the key to positive outcomes for children. We encourage our teachers to pursue the Career Studies Certificate and/or the Child Development Associate credential. We provide coaching, support and mentoring as they progress.
We emphasize that curriculum for young children is based on their primary learning mode – play. We are committed to help parents and early child care teachers provide early care environments that will help children learn the social and emotional skills that are essential to success to school. These characteristics are confidence, curiosity, intentionality, self-control, relatedness, capacity to communicate and cooperativenees.
“These characteristics equip children with a school literacy more basic than knowledge of numbers and letters. It is there characteristics that are most closely associated with school success.” Zero to Three Heart Start