To make payments to ITFDC via paypal, payments can be submitted from our PayPal page. This provides another payment option and allows flexibility for monthly child care invoices, enrollment fees, Child Care Plus service fees, and donations.
Please be advised that there will be a 3% processing fee for all PayPal payment so please be sure to include this fee in the total when remitting payment.
Tax ID – During the tax return season, many parents contact our office for their provider’s tax id. Please note that for security reason, our office cannot share the information. Please contact your provider. Each provider is required by law to give parents the documentation to file for their tax credit.
We would like to share the following resources with parents. Please visit the following links:– NAEYC link
The Good and The Bad of Exersaucers – by Child Care Specialist Priscilla Kostick
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) web site offers many helpful tips for parents and providers.
Infant & Toddler Connection of Fairfax-Falls Church provides evaluations and early intervention services for infants and toddlers (up to age three) who have a developmental delay or a diagnosis that may lead to developmental delays.
Parenting Education in Fairfax County – The Fairfax County Department of Family Services Parenting Education Programs are FREE for Fairfax County residents; includes dinner and child care. These programs are special in that parents and children attend the classes although children are taught in different classrooms than parents. Classes meet once a week for 12, 13, or 21 weeks depending on the curriculum.
Let’s Move Child Care Fact Sheet – a checklist released by Let’s Move! It is a tool that can be used by providers and parents to encourage healthy eating and physical activity and limit screen time for young children.
Healthy From the Start: How feeding nurtures your young child’s body, heart and mind
Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite
A series of booklets from Zero to Three. Everyday moments are rich opportunities to encourage your child’s development building his/her: Self confidence, Curiosity, Social Skills, Self-Control, Communications Skills. This series focuses on how, through interactions with your baby during everyday moments, parents can support a baby’s social, emotional and intellectual development.
Milestones Matter! From Birth to Age 5, children should reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move. CDC’s easy-to-use app allows parents and caregivers to track milestones from age 2 months to 5 years with illustrated checklists and tips to encourage your child’s development and what to do for concerns about how your child is developing. This app makes tracking milestones easy and fun!